Provided by Kip Garvey
Dance To Your Heart's Content
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This is a site where dancers can obtain vocal dances, both singing call and patter. These files can be played on any digital music device, computer, boom box, or any device that will play MP3 music files, including in one's car or RV. Dancers now have a chance to get together and dance in their homes, or anywhere else these dances can be played.

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Music 4 Square Dancers
c/o Kip Garvey

Top Downloads (as of 2025-02-21)

Last 12 Months

  1. SSD 4601 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 1 - 6 Patter 2 Singing Calls
  2. SSD 4602 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 2 - 6 Patter Calls See Info
  3. SSD 4603 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 3 - 6 Patter Calls with 2 singing calls. See Info
  4. SSD 4604 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 4 - 5 Patter Calls with 2 singing calls. See Info
  5. SSD 4605 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 5 - 5 Patter Calls with 1 singing calls 1 2-couple. See Info
  6. SSD 4606 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 6 - 7 Patter Calls with 2 singing calls. See Info
  7. SSD 4607 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 7 - 6 Patter 3 Singing Calls. See Info
  8. SSD 4608 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 8 - 5 Patter 3 Singing Calls
  9. SSD 4609 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 9 - 5 Patter 3 Singing Calls. See Info
  10. SSD 4610 - Bundle! SSD Lsn 10 - 5 Patter 2 Singing Calls

Last 1 Month

  1. M4SD 3988 - Cold Heart Patter vocal
  2. M4SD 3989 - September Patter vocal
  3. M4SD 4012 - I'm Mr. Blue